Monthly Archives: May 2013

Lipozene Reviews – Read How Does it Works For Weight Loss

Weight loss supplements are gaining a prominent role in creating a solution for obesity. Though they are claimed to work for weight loss, many fail to do so. Some even cause devastating affects to the body instead of helping the body to lose weight. Here is the review of another such weight loss supplement so called as Lipozene, which is said to be made of glucomannan, a natural water soluble fiber. Let’s get into the depth of its nature of working, its ingredients, its pros and cons.

Lipozene – Introduction:

Lipozene comes from the stable of Obesity Research Institute. It is claimed to be a natural weight loss supplement. This diet pill holds a key ingredient named Glucomannan, which is obtained from the roots of Konjac plant. Konjac plant is scientifically called as Amorphophallus Konjac. Generally this supplement should be taken prior to the meal with water. As, it is a water soluble fiber, when it is engulfed the fiber expands its size in the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety. This feeling can make the person to consume less amount of food than normal. Thus acting as an appetite suppressant this supplement promotes the weight reduction process. Glucomannan also absorbs the sugar present in the blood which also causes the change in the blood glucose levels.


Lipozene Reviews For Weight Loss

Nature of Working:

As, discussed above it promotes the weight loss by suppressing the appetite by its leading ingredient Glucomannan. So, the person ingests less quantity of food, he can lose weight.


  • Free from the stimulants
  • The major ingredient, Glucomannan is well known for its health advantages
  • No need of changing the lifestyle


  • Though reviews on the official website are positive, many negative comments and feedback’s can be found online.
  • No other ingredients than Glucomannan are listed in the ingredients as a complete list of ingredients can ensure the user about the products inclusions.

Side Effects:

Some of the possible side effects of the lipozene are:

  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Gastro intestinal problems

Note: These side effects may vary from person to person and Women who are carrying and lactating should prevent using this supplement.

All In All:

Though lipozene is a natural supplement, the negative reviews and absence of a complete list of ingredients than glucomannan can make a user hesitate while choosing it. Always it is better to research and have an opinion from the physician before trying any weight loss supplement like this.

Lipozene side effects

People with obesity always want to lose some extra pounds and look great. It is affecting the mankind and that has favored diet pills to become an alternative to lose weight. One such diet pill is Lipozene that is quite in the news these days. It is a diet supplement that contains a water absorbing constituent and makes you feel full.

Lipozene from a plant fiber is called “glucomannan”, which is derived from the root of a plant called “Konjac”. The scientific name of the plant is Amorphophallus Konjac. This plant is grown mainly in East Asia, especially in Japan and China.

Lipozene ingredients are all natural and it also has regular side effects linked with its intake. These are minor complications that can be treated easily. But can also cause significant distress. Some of these side effects can be:

1. Gulping or Swallowing: For some people, Lipozene may block the esophagus. Glucomannan in Lipozene causes this reaction. It has the ability to absorb water and grow in size which leads to serious problems. The pill may be stuck in the esophagus and cause dysphagia.

2. Changes in blood sugar levels: Ingredients in Lipozene is glucomannan, a sugar (polysaccharide), responsible for the changes in the blood sugar levels in the blood of a person. This can be a serious problem for people with diabetes. So, Lipozene should be taken under the supervision of a physician.

3. Severe discomfort in the stomach: There have been cases of severe diarrhea, which were brought to notice. It can be very serious.

4. Sensitivity Reactions: Allergic reactions such as itching, swelling of the mouth and throat, rashes, hives, wheezing or shortness of breath than normal under these circumstances. It is recommended that if there is an allergic reaction, you should consult a doctor immediately. In addition, if you are allergic to substances or medication, tell your doctor before taking Lipozene. Before a supplement, it is important to confirm, after a thorough examination if you are allergic to one or more ingredients of dietary supplements.

It is also possible that there are no side effects with Lipozene. Note that it is truly based on how the body responds to this diet supplement.

Glucomannan – Key ingredient of Lipozene

Lipozene is just another diet pill which promises to lose weight naturally. The concept behind this diet pill is very simple. It states that its ingredients work for weight loss by suppressing the appetite. Glucomannan is the key ingredient of lipozene. Glucomannan is said to be a water soluble polysaccharides which expands its size when it absorbs water.


Glucomannan is derived from the roots of Konjac plant (Amorphophallus Konjac). It is used in many of the diet pills for reducing the weight. It is useful for treating the diabetes mellitus, constipation, obesity, for controlling blood sugar; cholesterol etc. from the ancient times, Konjac is used in the Asian countries like japan, china and south East Asia not only as food but also as a traditional medicine. It attracted the western researchers with its various health benefits. Many studies have been conducted on glucomannan and they concluded that it works for weight loss too.

How it functions for obesity?

As discussed above, glucomannan is a water soluble fiber. When it is consumed, it dissolves in the water and doesn’t lose its form until it reaches the large intestine, making the person to feel full. This feeling of fullness helps to decrease the intake of the food.  Thus helps to lose weight by suppressing the appetite.

Though it a natural supplement for reducing the weight, there is nothing honky dory about this natural weight loss aid.

Potential Health Risks Caused By Using Glucomannan:

Most of the potential side effects which can be caused by excessive usage of glucomannan are:

  • Gastric problems
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Difficulty in swallowing


Glucomannan can improve the levels of blood sugar and cholesterol in the body. It can help to lose weight by keeping you in a feeling of full for a longer period. Even though it has possible side effects, if taken as suggested it can work effectively for weight loss. Before using any weight loss supplement whether a natural or any diet pill, it is always safe to consult the physician.

How Does Lipozene Work

Lipozene is a weight loss supplement which is claims to cut the weight all the way naturally. Many reviews can be found online about its working, its ingredients and its side effects. So let’s get in detail about how it works for weight loss and what ingredients it actually has.


Lipozene is another weight loss supplements which is tagged with a natural weight loss ingredient “glucomannan”. This product comes from the stable of Obesity research institute which also produces other weight loss aids.

The leading ingredient of this product is glucomannan. Glucomannan is a leading natural supplement which is derived from the sources of Konjac roots. The Konjac plant can be found in regions of Asia like japan, china, Indonesia etc. Glucomannan is a water soluble polysaccharides which is used to treat the issues like obesity, constipation, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes etc.

It’s working:

The glucomannan in the lipozene as it is a water soluble fiber, when consumed increases its size by absorbing the water in the stomach. This sponge like effects make the person to feel full even though he doesn’t completes his entire meal. This weight loss supplement should be taken before the meal so that it can create its effect and helps the person. By following these, best from the lipozene can be obtained.

Does it works?

While the manufacturer claims this to be an effective solution to lose weight, if we notice, there are many negative feedback’s and comments against this product in online. Moreover, the key ingredient glucomannan is available in any health store cheaply.

Side effects:Using Lipozene Under Doctor Supervision

The following side effects can be noticed by the lipozene.

  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Changes in the blood sugar
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea

Individuals who are with diabetes should take lipozene under the supervision of doctor only. Though it may be a natural aid for reducing the weight, it is always better to review about the product before usage. There are many other products which are more effective than lipozene. Looking for the reviews of the other supplements can be a better option.

Lipozene weight loss supplement

Lipozene is a weight loss aid which claims to be including natural ingredients. It is produced by Obesity Research Institute LLC. Lipozene contains glucomannan all as an important component. It is a fiber, which can be obtained from the roots of Konjac plant. This component is designed to treat constipation increased cholesterol and obesity.

Glucomannan is an important ingredient in Lipozene, which is extracted from Konjac root. Glucomannan is used by the individuals who look to lose their excess weight. It can reduce the weight by creating fullness in the stomach as it is a fiber which maximizes its size when consumed.

Lipozene ingredients

It is made with natural ingredients that help to reduce those extra pounds of fat. Glucomannan is all a natural ingredient known to be derived from Amorphophallus Konjac root also called Konjac, the main ingredient in Lipozene. Konjac glucomannan is best known as a soluble fiber known. The root is cultivated in Japan and has been used as an aid to weight loss for generations. Some studies also reveal that the root has other health benefits such as lowering cholesterol, regulate sugar levels in the blood and the fight against constipation. Glucomannan is said to have no side effects when taken as directed.

Glucomannan creates an effect of a sponge in the stomach so that you feel full and in turn reduce your calorie intake. It is a water-soluble dietary fiber that is not harmful and can be very effective. Glucomannan aid weight loss without the need for a change in diet or lifestyle, without potentially harmful side effects than other dietary supplements and weight loss drugs possess.Lipozene Weight Loss Supplement

How Lipozene works for weight loss

The glucomannan which is a fiber is the key ingredient of the product after consumption maximizes its size by absorbing water and creates a feel of fullness in the belly. This makes the person to feel full by which he tends to eat less and result is obesity.

Does it Works?

While the manufacturer claims to be an excellent weight loss supplement, many negative feedback’s and comments online make a shade on this product. The price of the product is high and the main ingredient glucomannan is available in the nearest health stores cheaply. It is always good to know briefly about the product before using it.